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Welcome to CAWTILE
Citizens Against Wind Turbines in Buffalo

Links, Studies, Articles
NYSERDA Feasibility Study White Paper 12-30-22 (Summary of Report)(52 Pages)
NYSERDA Feasibility Study - Final Report - 12-30-22 (136 Pages)
NYSERDA Feasibility Study Webinar Videos and Presentation PDF's
Literature and Studies Cited
Proposed Wind Turbine Moratorium by Senator Borello (MUST READ)
BREAKING NEWS:After a five year fight a turbine project in Lake Erie may go down to defeat.
Script for Calling Your Representative
Reference Bullet Points for Discussion with Representative
Find Your Elected Representative
Contact Your Elected Representative
Sample Letters
Offshore Wind Power Cost Analysis
Proposed Legislation from State Senator Borello
NYISO Real Time Dashboard (See how much energy is produced from wind turbines - LIVE)
Pollution, Contaminants, Threats Posed by Industrial Wind Turbines, and the Economic Realities of Offshore Wind - Rich Davenport
WBEN - Tom Bauerle 01/02/22 (Our Jim Hanley) discuss wind turbines Part 1
WBEN - Tom Bauerle 01/02/22 (Our Jim Hanley) discuss wind turbines Part 2
WBEN - Part 1 - Tom Bauerle 01/26/22 (Our Jim Hanley and Sharen Trembath) discuss Wind Turbines in Lake Erie
WBEN - Part 2 - Tom Bauerle 02/26/22(Our Jim Hanley and Sharen Trembath) discuss Wind Turbines in Lake Erie
GET THE FACTS!!!! Wind-Watch.ORG
Buffalo News article on Senator Borello's take on Wind and Solar
Dunkirk Observer Article
Great Lakes Shipwreck Preservation Society
Infrasound Pollution from Wind Turbines: Evidence of Negative Impacts on Fish!!! READ
We must act now to stop this...
Our Mission
Our Vision
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