Welcome to CAWTILE
Citizens Against Wind Turbines in Buffalo

Breaking News: (10/11/24)
CAWTILE Wind Warriors:
We recently addressed the Erie County Legislature - Environmental Committee to request that our Resolution - opposing wind turbines in Lake Erie be passed in the Legislature. We were well received, members asked pertinent questions and were assured by others, that they would would vote for the resolution.
However, when it was to be reviewed by the legislative committee, and scheduled to be brought up for a vote, we were shocked to discover that a subversive pro-turbine lobbying group had convinced some members of the committee to delay the vote and plans on promoting wind turbines in Lake Erie in a future session!! This despite the fact that 76% of the towns in Erie County have already passed resolutions opposing them!

We need ALL our 6,000+ members to rise to action. We're asking you to call, E-Mail and or Write to your Erie County Legislator TODAY and simply tell them YOU support the passage of CAWTILE's Resolution Opposing Wind Turbines in Lake Erie. That's It!
Here is the link to their contacts: